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001 - Brottas - Portugal (Pequeno).png

For almost two centuries the train was much more than a means of transport traveling between books, music, pictures, films and utopias. It was the industrial revolution that put the train on the tracks.

The steam engine and the need to transport more and more cargo and people took the creation of the first train in 1825. In Portugal the train would arrive thirty years later with the connection between Lisbon and Carregado.

The train is also an important element of the culture of the industrial world, even appearing as a centerpiece in the futuristic manifesto published in 1909. The locomotive is the symbol of the path to the future.

In literature we can find the train on the pages of Georges Simenon, Aghata Christie or Eça de Queiroz, among others. In the music of Zeca Afonso, Glenn Miller, Duke Ellington or Bob Dylan you can also hear the rhythms of the train.

The train is also a centerpiece in many films, so much so that one of the first films shown by the Lumière brothers showed the arrival of one of them at a station. They are proof that the train can travel far beyond its rails ...

​Now i want the train enter in MailArt


​01. Theme: Train / MailTrainArt

​02. Category: This initiative is made up of an On-line exhibition (in this site), (One day maybe in a physical space).

03. Organization: BroTTas (myself)

04. Address;



Paulo Teles a.k.a BroTTas

Rua Eng Mário Costa Nº 22 2º Esq

2330-153 Entroncamento



05. Terms of participation:

- open to all artists

- you can use any technique as long as it is sent by snail mail

- you can identify your work with name and title

06. If you fil this Form; Name / Address / City / Country / Webpage /E-mail i will add with to this webpage

07. On-line Submission / Display Period No deadline

​08. Start to display: starts as soon as you receive your first job

​​09. No fees, no jury, no returns.


For more information:

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